Este señor es de los pocos -dicen que el último- que aún labra navajuelas en Sheffield. Así se le presenta:
"Trevor Ablett and Reg Cooper have making pocket knives and penknives for over fifty years. They served apprenticeships in the trade in Sheffield and between them have seen the craft artisan based approach change beyond recognition. They have kept the traditions alive and are still producing quality products in the same way they always did.
Se dice de él que es un pequeño maestro (little master), lo que es un elogio, pues ya en el XIX se daba a los cuchilleros que podían realizar, en todas sus fases (desde el forjado de la hoja al encabado), un cuchillo. Sus productos se vocean así:
These are the perfect penknives, immaculately produced in Sheffield, England with traditional blade types dating back centuries and made by one of the last surviving craftsmen still practicing his art after probably fifty years in the trade. They are a pleasure to own and are tribute to a fast fading tradition of the proud craftsmanship which epitomized the Sheffield cutlery trade. The origins of these knives date from the time when Sheffield's craftsmen would have their worked smashed on the steps of the Guildhall if it did not meet the exacting standards required.
Se ha comparado con una sheepsfoot, de hoja algo más ancha, con cachas de palisandro.
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