miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2019


Quote Originally Posted by Paul Iseard  View Post
Hello its Paul Iseard here the owner of The Famous Sheffield Shop. I have been monitoring the responses to the saga of the 4 inch Broad sheath knife and frankly a lot of the comment has made my hair stand on end! In the interests of fairness and balance (no I do not work for the BBC!) I will be posting some information based on 10 years experience of selling Sheffield made knives from A Wright and Son, Reg Cooper, Trevor Ablett, Taylors Eye Witness, and the Egginton Group. As it is A Wright and Son that is drawing all the fire I would like to give the other side of the story ie the many delighted customers that give unsolicited positive feedback about their products. I am at home right now but at work I have a drawer full of comments from customers that would make any true Sheffielder's heart swell with pride! (Please note I am a southerner and have only been in this fine city for 33 years.) I would like to give British Blades members a flavour of these comments. So once I have mastered how to post threads etc I will throw some information into the ring. its not what I say that matters, its what the customers say!

Aquí, en esta intervención en el foro BB (Britishblades), el propietario de una tienda de cuchillería se defiende ante un hilo iniciado por un forista descontento con la compra de una navaja en Famous Sheffield Shop de la marca A. Wright and Son. Dice el dueño que tiene cartas de mucha gente contenta...

Yo mismo, Hefesto, si hubiera andando con más diligencia, le habría mandado una más para comunicarle que esta misma navaja que aquí se presenta no responde a la imagen que vende en su tienda. Un leve defecto que no impide su buen uso, pero un defecto que empaña el aspecto final y la perspectiva especializada de un coleccionista ( o de cualquiera que piense que por las libras que se paga, se ha de recibir un producto irreprochable, como debiera ser), No se ve apreciará aquí esa tara que afecta a la virola inferior, que no rodea el cabo con limpieza y se produce un escalón por la parte del muelle. Si fuera vendedor de Ebay, no lo habría hecho mejor a la hora de presentarla a los compradores...

Así la vocean en la tienda de marras:

Buffalo handle Lambfoot pattern pocket knife with two brass bolsters and 2.5 inch carbon steel blade. This is very pleasing and original handle shape. 
Made by Little Mester Trevor Ablett, supplied with authentication certificate and presentation box

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